path: root/content/marx/economic-and-philosophic-manuscripts/
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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/content/marx/economic-and-philosophic-manuscripts/ b/content/marx/economic-and-philosophic-manuscripts/
index 0858a60..edf6ea3 100644
--- a/content/marx/economic-and-philosophic-manuscripts/
+++ b/content/marx/economic-and-philosophic-manuscripts/
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ As for the *essence of the division of *labour – and of course the division of
In an *advanced state *of society “every man thus lives by exchanging and becomes in some measure a merchant, and the society itself grows to be what is
<!-- class: indentb -->
-properly a commercial society.” (See Destutt de Tracy [, *�l�mens d’id�ologie*, Paris, 1826, pp. 68 and 78]: “Society is a series of reciprocal exchanges; commerce contains the whole essence of society.”) *... *The accumulation of capitals mounts with the division of labour, and vice versa.”
+properly a commercial society.” (See Destutt de Tracy [, *Élémens d’idéologie*, Paris, 1826, pp. 68 and 78]: “Society is a series of reciprocal exchanges; commerce contains the whole essence of society.”) *... *The accumulation of capitals mounts with the division of labour, and vice versa.”
So much for Adam Smith.