path: root/exampleSite/resources/_gen/assets/scss
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-12-01#106, Upgrade to hugo 0.60Alex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-11-19#100, Make h4, h5 and h6 bolder and increase font sizeAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-11-16Improve accessibility scoreAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-11-16Refactor footerAlex Shpak3-3/+2
2019-11-16Add language switch at bottom of pageAlex Shpak2-1/+2
2019-11-16Update generated resources latest hugo (#97)Alexandros2-0/+0
2019-11-16Update generated resources in exampleSiteAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-10-27#92, use 'em' units for markdown line-heightAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-10-27#92, Fix code block with lines spacingAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-10-27Remove dark links mixin and sass varAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-10-23Rename ToC level styles, reorganize example contentAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-10-08Fix valign for git footer iconsAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-10-08Remove BookMenuBundleActiveLinkColor parameterAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-10-08Introduce SCSS plugins: dark mode and numbered headingsAlex Shpak4-2/+2
2019-10-03#77, Introduce hint shortcodeAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-09-05Small adjustments for logo span and cssAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-08-06Update screenshots and theme tagsAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-08-06Update search box designAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-08-06Show progressbar while loading lunr and dataAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-08-06Block serach bar untill index is loadedAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-08-06Improve search settingsAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-08-06Add extra margin under search bar, cleanupAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-08-06Implement search, loading on demandAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-08-06Start work on search feature with lunrAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-19Adjust some colors, font sizes, borders in markdownAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-19Fix image alignment in text to baselineAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-18Make columns shortcode mobile friendlyAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-18Fine tune ol, ul, dl paddingsAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-13Set heading padding in markdown to depend on font sizeAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-13Rebuild css for themes.gohugo.ioAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-13Fix various spacings in markdown in shartcodesAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-11Add custom class support for mermaid and button shortcodesAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-10Unfortunately go back to roboto fontAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-10Allow override code font as wellAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-10Remove flast section padding from first section, reformat fonts scssAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-06-10Rebuild assets for themes.gohugo.ioAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-27#39, Add button shortcodeAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-27#52, Allow to set max showed levels of ToC. e.g. BookToC=3Alex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-24Update screenshots, clean tabs shortcodeAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-24Update README.md with shortcodes and badgesAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-23#39, Finish tabs shortcodeAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-23Change edit and date iconsAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-23#39, Finish columns shortcode, clean scssAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-22#39, Add multi-column shortcodeAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-22#39, Add expand and tabs shortcodesAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-05-22Add font-display for font fallback, move body font style to _fonts.scssAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-04-23#44, Move normalize.css to sass pipeline with minificationAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-04-22Improve logic in title template for less warningsAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-04-22#43, Update tree menu rendering to support multiple sectionsAlex Shpak2-2/+2
2019-04-09Update favicon, update README, re-generate resourcesAlex Shpak2-2/+2