path: root/exampleSite/content
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-05-22#39, Add expand and tabs shortcodesAlex Shpak3-2/+60
2019-04-30#43, Add bookHidden page param to hide page from side menuAlex Shpak5-4/+52
2019-04-22#43, Update tree menu rendering to support multiple sectionsAlex Shpak4-0/+154
2019-04-09Remove copyright note and flags, fix bug with pathsJordi Bares1-0/+0
2019-04-09Various fixes responding to Alex notesJordi Bares1-0/+0
2019-02-20Refactor theme to use relative urls everywhereAlex Shpak1-8/+8
2018-11-25Refactor templates and partialsAlex Shpak1-1/+1
2018-11-24Refactor scss stylesAlex Shpak5-7/+1747
2018-10-30Use .RelPermalink for scssAlex Shpak1-0/+1
2018-10-30Fill example site with Lorem IpsumAlex Shpak12-254/+428
2018-09-30Add exampleSiteAlex Shpak6-0/+268